Monday, February 21, 2011

~ Spring Is In The AIR ~

This weekend was definitely what my body needed. I finished my classes on Thursday afternoon. So on Friday I treated myself to a massage which ended up turning into a 2 hour massage.....yeah my body was in need of that. Came home and relaxed. Then I went to dinner with my best friend. Which is always a need. Saturday I woke up and me and Evan went to Montgomery. Montgomery is one of my favorite places, Only because it has Shakes Spear Park. This is one of my favorite places to go get away. We spent all day in Montgomery.We ate at this cute cafe called Mi Mi's it was delish.  And of course I visited the park. I wouldn't dare go to Montgomery and not go to the park. Saturday night when I got home me and Jordan went to Wal mart of course. Spent Way to much money. Then I laid in bed and watch one of my favorite movies JUST MARRIED! Sunday Morning I woke up and went to church of course, Then went home and me and Jordan made chicken tacos and cleaned. Then we decided to go to the lake. A wonderful decision. It was perfect. we took a blanket and laid out there and took stupid pictures for 4 hours. it was so great. Then I came home and watch an amazingly awesome guitar player on wave live. ;) Then I went to see Justin Bieber 3-D lol it was actually a great movie. So inspiring, and uplifting. Came  home and went to bed.
I fill so energized and relaxed. It was a much needed weekend. I am ready to press through to this week. going to hit the books heavy. I have my national boards coming up in April so I have to knock it out this time! :)

This week is going to be awesome! Israel Houghton is going to be in Dothan. So i am going to see him Wednesday night! I have lunch with some long lost friends from high school, and then its my best friends birthday...we gotta get ready for the weekend~ :)

God is still moving very strongly in my life. And in my family in friends. Just gotta keep up the faith and continue to pray!!!!

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