Friday, February 25, 2011

Call On Jesus

Why is it that when we are in our darkest hour we call on Jesus, when we should have been calling on him all along. Why do we wait till its too late...... I'm speaking to myself on this one here. As a 23 year old I have gone through many trials and tribulations. But my worst is money. LOL go figure a 23 year old girl struggling with money! This is probably nothing new. My money is my enemy. The crazy thing is I don't go blow money like you would think an average 23 year old would do. I actually hate shopping. I couldn't tell you the last time I went shopping for myself. My struggle is... I moved out way to early, When i should have had money set aside for such a big step in my life. Everyone says you live and you learn... OK well I'm learning and I am trying but success.  God has always provided for me. And I am very thankful for that. But I would like to be able to not stress about money every week. I would like to actually say hey I have money. 
There are so many things I would like to do. And now days if you dont have money you cant do anything. :/ SO I guess life just sucks major! So I guess in all of this complaining, what i am trying to say is that I am at my darkest hour. my most desperate time of need. and I am calling on Jesus. And I know he hears me and I know he will provide.  I just have to have faith!!!
This time in my life only makes me want to press through harder and pass my boards for massage therapy. Massage Therapy is very hard. I never thought it would be this hard. But its taken alot out of me, but I am not giving up and I'm sure as heck not going to waste all that money on giving up. Its a big passion in my life and I will pass this test if it kills me. This week has been a very complicated week for me, but I have just realized its okay to say no to people you have to whats important right now. If they get mad they get made, but in the long run it will show you who your true friends are. They ones who are still there cheering you on after you pass will be your friends for life! Not only do you have to trust God but you also have to trust yourself and believe in yourself.. YOU CAN DO THIS!  YOU CAN!
My Prayer today is that God will give me the strength and a worry free and stress free life. I pray that God will provide for my every need. I pray that God will protect me and give me wisdom and knowledge. I pray that he will direct each path that I take. I pray lord that you continue to shape me and mold me into the women you want me to be. I pray that you bless  and protect my family. I pray that you have mercy on the souls that do not know who you are. I pray that this world will know peace before your return. I pray that lives will be saved today!
I pray this is your gracious heavenly name!

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