Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bad Sad Day

This morning I woke up with FEVER BLISTERS :( I thought I would never get one again. Well I shuold have never said that cause it came back to bite me in the butt. I look like Will Smith off the movie Hitch when he had an allergic reaction! :(  My upper lip and my bottom lip are just ate up with them! :( I am about to go across the street to the wonderful Stat Med and get a perscription! :) Im not looking forward to forking out the dollars for this medicine but.... if it gets rid of it in a day like everyone says im down for it. And there are  alot of other home remedys that people are telling me to do. So I might try that first to see what happens. At least it will save me some money! :) anyways This is a sucky day! And I hope it will get better!!!!

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