Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is in the AIR

So today is Valentines Day. This is one of my favorite days of the year! You get to talk and sing about love all day, and have an excuse! For some people this is a sad day, because they are single or may have lost someone special.   But you have to understand that God is and can be the love of your life. The keeper of your soul. So why not name Jesus as your  Valentine,and tell "HIM" how much we love him. and Write him cards and send him a Valentines Message. God is the Creator Of love . He Gave his only begotten son, because he loved us so much! Now that is Awesome. Sit back and think on that for a minute. If you have or had a child would you give that child up for someone that you don't even know? Man! Gods love is absolutely amazing. God is the writer of all the purest love stories. A love that i want with my spouse.
So instead of sitting there pouting because you haven't gotten flowers our chocolate. Look outside or better yet walk around outside and look at all the wildflowers that got has placed there for you. and to me wildflowers are the prettiest of any flower. Don't pout because you haven't gotten a sweet message or letter from anyone. Open your bible and read songs of Solomon. or just read the word period. there are amazing love stories in that bible!
I guarantee Gods love will put you on cloud 9.  Now go show him some of your love! :)

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