Thursday, February 10, 2011

School Bully

My question is, Why are kids so afraid to go to the principle or a teacher when they are being bullied. They say it will only make things worse, but I think its because they are scared to have the name "chicken".  I just listen to all this mess on the news about the teenage sucide ratings and they are just ridiculous. Do you know what the main cause is? Bulling! weather it is on facebook, myspace, or at school. Bulling is bulling and it needs to stop!
My Niece is 15 and she is having major issues with this at her high school. She is a very pretty girl. She has won several crowns. And I tell her they are just jealous. Now these bullies are not BIG girls. They are just girls that pick and nag. But it gets the best of her. Now my niece is not the type to get physical with anyone. But these girls are getting her to the point to where she might. I have told her to stand up for herself. But if she does she will be kicked off the cheer squad and she would have to give up all her pageant titles. This is the part that I dont understand. Why do kids get punished for standing up for themselves? And I know that the teachers have to witness some of these people talking crap! Why dont they punish them? The school systems make me so angry! I just dont understand the world today! Where is the love people! God did not intend on the world to be this way!  You would think that schools would be trying their hardest to prevent another teenager from dying. but I guess not. So all I can tell my neice to do is to watch her back, watch what she says back to these people, and to lean on God with everything shes got.

So that brings me to my next thought!
Lean on Jesus!

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