Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The 4th horseman

A friend of mine told me I needed to go online and watch this video about the 4th Apocalypse horseman on YouTube. This is something that happened during a riot in Egypt. CNN caught it live on film. So I went and watched it, and yes it looks like a man on a horse. but it also moves with the camera. But my reasoning in writing this blog is that what are we so freaked out about? Yes Praise God the Lord is coming back. This is nothing new. We have read about this for years. What are we so afraid of? The bible clearly states not to fear him, but to be in celebration of his return. Well.. All i am saying is weather this thing is true or not. I know where I am going when the lord sounds his trumpet and I'm ready to go. Why be scared? Yes I feel like there alot of things that i need to have done before the Lord comes back, but it not up to you how you live your life its not even your life to live its Gods life and he works through us. So... All I am saying we always need to witness to the people. We should have ever since we had knowledge about God. But we wait until a small fluke in camera scares  us  into witnessing. that's not right~ But GO out share this with someone. Who knows it may win someone soul. lol
the lord will come when he is ready, yes the time is near. That's why we should always be prepared! :)
Walk talk live like Jesus did!

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