Monday, July 25, 2011

So far, So good

So this makes day 4 of fasting. It has been difficult not knowing whats going on in the life of facebook. But it has also been a really good weekend. God really set me on fire. Which is something that needed to happen. :) I needed a refreshing.

Friday night I went to the Youth Praise Concert at Ridgecrest . It was a lot of fun. the kids were about like our kids were in our youth group. Quite and not excited. lol
But there were a few that were just so radical for Jesus, and that made me happy.
I got to see the Chris Stephens Project and they were amazing! I really liked them! I hope to one day get them to perform at our church.
I was so excited that I couldn't go to sleep. I just laid there until like 2 in the morning.

Saturday I got to spend the day with my best friend Jamasha! Masha Pasha! :) We went out and bought all the stuff I needed to start making my cakes! :) Which is pretty exciting by the way, I'll tell you more about that in a minute. So anyways while we were in Michael's we found all kinds of stuff for our youth group. :) Especially GLOW STICKS! This Wednesday we are having GLOW in the DARK worship! :)
then we went and ate at Momma Goldberg's, which that was my first time, and it was so good. :) After that we went to walmart and got the rest of the stuff, and went home to bake away the afternoon. :) My house smelt so good that Hunter and Kirsten had to come over and eat a cupcake ;) Yummy. Which it was very nice to sit and talk with my new neighbors.
So after we got done with the cake, which by the way turned out great for my first fondant cake! I was so proud. We went to Jamashas house so her mom could try it to see if she like it. and she did! She couldn't believe what a gift I had. Which made me feel good. She told me I needed to advertise this at the church. I'm still in shock that she thought that much of it. :) I'm excited to make her BIG cake this weekend. It has to feed anywhere from 20 to 52 people. LOL that's a big difference! But it will be fun! I can wait!
Speaking of Cakes
I love Cakes, I love baking, and I love cake shows.
So I want to start doing this as a side thing. I could make some money off of doing this. I want to start taking the class in Dothan at Michael's in August, but I'm not sure if ill be able to. I hope that within the next few months ill be able to do that. I have everything on my Christmas list picked out already! :)

So after Saturday comes Sunday.......
Yesterday at church was amazing. The last 2 Sundays have not been what you call your regular church service.
We've had a holy ghost service these last 2 Sundays, and I hope they continue. It was so awesome.
So this brings me back to my fasting. You fast because you want to God to give you direction, well yesterday God spoke through Bishop and he said. Your past is no more, it can no longer hold you down, go do what you are called to do, do what you are called to do. WOW yeah I thought that was amazing.
Where how or When is the question now. LOL
As I continue to fast the rest of this week that is my prayer. Where, How, or When?
Last night I was trying to talk to Roger about it all, but it hard to explain to someone whats been laid on your heart in a way they will understand, without taking you the wrong way.

I have 4 more months before I take my massage therapy test, this is my last chance to take the test, and I'm going to take it and get it all behind me, pass or fail, i need to get it off my chest. After that it will then be around December, So then I will be ready to start the NEW year off right. Whether I go to school locally or far off, I have to do something. :)

I have been reading the book we got from forward, and it is amazing. its about dreams. taking hold of your dreams. I really like it. Ive actually been studying it more than reading, I'm hoping to finish it this week and then i will write about it here in my blog.

anyways I'm going to get back to work now.


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