Monday, July 11, 2011


How many times will you let something take over your life?

Well I have had about enough of depression, sickness, and just CRAP always following me around like a black rain cloud.
I know God reins in my life, and He will continue to rein in my life FOREVER.

I had some very important one on one time with God this morning. I know my gifts that he has given me are too good to waste, or to be tossed to the side.

I finished my plans for the Extravagant Grace Lock- In
its amazing the things God gives you when you are actually listening.  I pray that I will get all of this approved. Its been on my heart for quite sometime. and I am so proud of our crew coming together and putting action to our words.

One thing that I have to work on and this is the main thing God hit me with....
if you don't stay built up in him, and don't stay in his word. You will fall.
So I will get back to my devotionals, daily readings, and praying.

I have noticed alot of change in alot of areas in my life and walk with God, and they all have to get fixed now.
for one you cant have a relationship with out Gods blessings. And that's another thing that is on my heart. I want mine and Rogers relationship to last forever, I know we have to let God use us for what He wants us to do. 
I know God has big plans for me. I hear it and feel it all the time.
Its heart breaking to think (what if I have already let Him -God down)
I know God is patient and Kind and has the heart of Grace and forgiveness ( AND 2nd CHANCES)
God isn't finished using me.

I am excited for tonight, we have our CREW meeting to turn in all our ideas for what we were assigned. Mine of course the LOCK-In
and I also cant wait to hear about the Band, I'm excited to hear about what they have planned for the BIG service in September.
We are finally going to learn some of the songs from forward2011. I think our group is very excited about that!

God nothing can keep me from your love! Thank you for your merciful heart!
Thank you for pulling me out of my mess again!

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