Thursday, July 28, 2011

Last Day

Well guys today is the last day of my fast. (YAY) I'm so ready to get back into the world of facebook. I never realized how much it consumed my life until this past week. It really was a good thing that I let it go to spend time with God, I might need to start doing that more often.

This morning I opened my pop tart to only find ONE in there not TWO! :(
sorry that was a lil ADD moment.

I don't really know how to type what all has happened on this fast, but I can say that I feel a lot closer to God and I feel like my walk has gotten deeper. I was show and told a few things that I needed to hear as far as my calling. I am still praying about going off to ministry school. But I really feel like God is calling me to be here right now to start Extravagant Grace for the girls. I'm so excited to get this going. I have dreamed about it and God has shown me different things about whats going to happen. And I hope I make all the right decisions so that they will happen.

Sunday we had another amazing service. I love it when we have a Holy Ghost service. :) Pastor Scott prayed over me, and after going back and listening to it. I realized that I need to stop wanting to sing, because i already am. I know it may not be where I want to sing, or how I pictured it, but your dream has to start somewhere, be happy with what you have now, and be humble and God will finish it.

I am still not finished with reading my book, but I can tell you it is full of sticky notes. So I'm sure that blog will be long long long but it will be life changing. because i know this book has changed mine. :)

I have noticed that if you obey God and what he tells you to do, you get set on fire! I mean a holy ghost fire that no one can break off of you! I have felt like this all week! I love it. I just want to be in his presence all the time.  :)

On a side note, I made my first fondant cake. :) Its very cute! well it was, its all gone now. :) It was a practice cake for this weekend, this Saturday i have to make a 4 layer cake for jamasha's moms bridal shower. :) I'm so excited to try something new. :)
I am seriously thinking about starting my own lil business out of my house. :)  I love to bake. :)

And no i haven't forgotten about massage school, its just on the back burner right now. I have up until August 16th before I have to reapply. :( But..... God willing, I will pass.that would be wonderful! :)

another important thing that has happened. I took over the HOAs of brentwood townhomes. (where I live) This is a huge task to take on, but I'm fine with it. Except for the crazy lady on the end, who has already started placing letters in my mailbox. (god give me patients) I hope that I can make brentwood a nicer place to live! :)

Anyways I think that's all for now! I'm super sleepy today. I was hoping to go home to lunch and take a nap, but... I have lunch with my nan and pop.

whelp have a great day!

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