Thursday, July 21, 2011

Should have never been invented!

Wow I don't even know where to begin with this.

Cursing, Drinking, hypocriticism, lying, backstabbing, fake people.

Now that I got that out. Maybe now you will know where I'm going with this.

I have been in church my whole life! I was saved at age 7 ( I believe)

never in my whole life until the last 5 years have I ever experienced so much heart ache from church. Not just one church either. Because I have left and tried to start fresh, but the Lord knocked me down on that. That experience was just WOW.. not going there.

Have you ever had a desire or a passion to do something so bad and its like no one even notices you. and then you see someone up there doing it, who is one person at church, but then another person outside of church. its very hurtful, especially when you are the one who is actually trying to do right!

I do not think that someone that is open on facebook or twitter about their partying or language should be able to represent a church or be able to stand on a stage and  minister.
This right here is a prime example of why ppl do not come to church. They get hurt and think all churches are this way.  now I will also say this. The more ppl you know and the more involved you get into a church, you find out a bunch of CRAP, and it distracts you from becoming closer to God, because you will find yourself thinking about what that person did the night before or what they are going to be doing after service.. it totally throws you off.

we are not supposed to be teaching ppl how easy it is to get away with sin, we are supposed to be teaching them about love and serving, and living like Christ did.
have you ever read in the bible about Jesus partying the night before he went out into the streets to spread the word? ummmm no!

And maybe this is what happens when you are raised in the bible belt, but come on ppl its preached to you all the time about the sins of everyday life and how we are to stay away.

And no I'm not perfect, we all slip and fall, but at least I am trying and I'm no longer struggling with half the stuff I once was.

someone once told me that I'd be surprised if I knew half of what these ppl were going through, and you know what I think. I don't want to know!!!! don't spread the gossip about someone!!!! don't make it facebook or twitter announced what you do especially if you are in ministry GAH ppl come on!!!!!

I have been in one BIG funk lately and I think its because I am so burned out on how things are going around my town and in my church and in my life!

I am ready for a change, and God is the only one who can give me the kind of change I need!

I hope this blog has spoke to someone, and maybe it will convict them! 

if not your sin will find you out! There is no gray in church, its just black and white. You will be found out, God does not like Luke warm ppl, it says in the bible he will spit you out!
 you will get spit out!

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh, uh oh! This is very true. I agree 100 percent. This was well written, and does portray a lot of what is happening in the church community. We aren't perfect, but we still have to press toward His high calling, especially if you are a leader. This is awesome.
