Sunday, July 10, 2011

my weekend!

I must say that family gatherings with my family never end on a good note.
We all went to the beach for my moms birthday and of course jason and haley have to have it there way or no way. Which makes arguments very easy. Jason of course never listens. And when my mom isn't happy no one is happy. Its always something with my family. When im around them for more than like 3 hours my anger issues surface. I hate to leave my family ill or upset. And today I did. But it took them two hours to call and ask if I was ok. It just makes me feel like no one cares. They just care about themselves. Sometimes I ask myself if I will ever understand my screwed up family.
When one thing happens that is upsetting my whole world changes. My depression sinks in, I think that everyone is upset with me. I feel like its just me in my little house. And no one can hear me. Im tired of being this way. Im tired of always being stressed and worried and depressed. I don't want to go to back to counseling.
I want to be happy.

I met a girl singing on the pier and I thought to myself, what happened to pursuing my dreams, well life gets in the way! That's what happens!

Life sucks sometimes!
My life sucks!
Im 24 this shouldn't be my life!
Anyways im tired of talking about it!
Im going to bed
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