Monday, July 18, 2011

My World

A lot has been going on these last couple weeks. It seems like I'm busy busy busy all the time.
I need a vacation, and a vacation before October.That's when I leave for my 10 day cruise! woohooo I cannot wait! even though I get so sea sick and have to stay drugged up on Dramamine, its totally worth traveling the world to see all of Gods wonderful creations!

The girls lock - in has been approved and now i am working on getting all the final details done. I have to build 3 frames ( thank goodness I made an A+ in AG shop)
Its going to be awesome!

The name for the lock - in is Live Laugh Love
and our girls group name is going to be extravagant grace! I love it and I can wait to announce it to the girls the night of the lock - in . I think they will be so excited to have a group just for girls. I have a lot of plans for this group! I'm going to make a fb group and post daily women's devotionals.
I'm so excited! God has laid this on my heart for quite sometime. Now its time for me to get to working on it!

Speaking of God laying stuff on my heart. ministry school has once again popped up to the surface.
I do not want to move away right now. I know that's what has stopped me all the times before.
I have been looking up online schools for ministry as well. I am not sure what to do about this desire in my heart. I often think about the time I got accepted into Hill Song in Australia! Wow my life would be totally different right now! And then when I got accepted into Rehma! ha ha oh lord my life for sure would have been changed. God Thank you for working things out for your will, and not mine!

I am not sure whats going to happen in my future, but I do know that God can use me here just as well as anywhere else. And I also know that you don't have to go to ministry school in order for God to use you in a church, My time will come. I know it will. Or I wouldn't see it in my dreams every night!

I have been itching to go get more pictures done. I'm thinking of going to Shakespeare park on one Saturday. But maybe one day ill be getting engagement pictures done there!  Oops did I say that too soon!

I have been thinking about photography for myself also. I'm just keeping an open mind on a lot of different things I could do, if for some reason I don't pass my test. ( that dang test!!!!)

I will start traveling again to Montgomery with in the next couple weeks. I'm scared to do this because, when I'm put on the spot my nerves kick in and my brain is lost somewhere in left field!
But only God knows what he wants me to do and right now I feel like I'm doing just that. Singing in the youth is crazy awesome i love it. and I have also thought about talking to the worship minister in the main sanctuary about singing on Sundays.

I also want to add this in my blog. Best friends, this topic has been on my heart a lot lately, well ever since Caia and I have started having problems.
We both have not been the same for a while now. Things happen and ppl are in your life for  certain seasons. Now I have been the bigger person and tried to ignore certain things, but if she cant move on from certain things, then its going to be impossible for us to work things out. So I have decided to let her do her thing and when she is ready to move on from her past and realize that everyone makes mistakes then we can talk and try to hang out again, but for now its best for me to just let her be. Because I have to get things lined up in my life in order for things to fall into the right places. just like Bishops service yesterday about the hour glass. What a perfect example.
I needed that service yesterday! It was so fulfilling. I cannot wait for practice and service this week in the youth. me and jamasha were talking yesterday and we feel and explosion coming to our youth group. And if its not in them then its in me and ill take that too!

God is truly amazing and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next few months.


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