Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Only you

Throughout my day I often think of Brittany and baby Shep. Since their accident This verse comes to me all the time now. It was Brittanys favorite verse, and it has slowly become mine. This verse has so much meaning to it.
There is a season and purpose for everything! If you just sit back and think about it. It also takes me back to everything happens for a reason!
This verse has such a powerful meaning to it!
At work today I drew this! It turned out very well I think anyways. I sent a copy of it to Brittanys Facebook! I hope her and her family enjoy it! :)
It also has inspired me to start doing more art work! :)
I miss Brittany and Baby Shep. I miss seeing the smiles on her families faces.
I know with time I will see it again!
Brittany has forever changed my life! and She continues to do so each day!
Love you Britt!
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