Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Catching Up

Its been awhile since I have updated on a few things, So I thought I would Catch you up. :)

Massage Therapy is still in progress. I got approved to take my Boards again.They gave me another 2 Chances. Which I am hoping it will only take one! I have started gathering my study materials back up again. Its time to buckle down and get the ball rolling. My test will be on June 3rd.
I met a girl named Anita. She goes to church with me and she is in the same boat as me. So we are going to study together and try to teach each other what we know.

WLC this is still in my prayers every night. But right now, it is not my most important prayer request. I am not sure what will happen about all of that. I feel like I need to get my license before I move, that way I can practice while going to school.  I know God has big plans. I know that it will all work out.

Cleaning Business
Cleaning is going well on the weekends. I did not clean this past weekend, which I am glad. It felt good to have break! :) I love cleaning those houses. They are beautiful! Hopefully one day I will own one for myself. :) 
I needed a break this weekend. Especially since I am about to be over loaded with studying.

My Birthday!  Is coming up on May 13th :)
Unfortunately it is on Friday the 13th this year, But i am looking at it in a good way, because Its on the weekend. :) I will be 24 :)
My plans are:
Friday night going to see the Braves play! : )
Saturday going to the aquarium :) I'm definitely seeing the dolphins this time. :) I have been waiting on them to get the dolphin exhibit open for a year now! LOL
Sunday going to church of course
My birthday is going to be special this year because someone special is coming to spend it with me! :)
I am very excited! :)

The Band
I joined the REMIX band at church again. Its going very good so far, I really enjoy it. Im just glad to be singing again. We have band practice every Tuesday night, which works out perfect for me, because I get off early on Tuesdays, so it gives me plenty of time get everything done! :)

I went and saw Author this weekend. It was actually very funny. I would like to see so many other movies I would like to see, but i will prolly have to wait till they are at the REDBOX  :)

So I think thats all for now. At least thats all I can think of.


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