Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Faith Cry

I was given a devotion yesterday, and it had a very Strong meaning to me. I had never heard this before. But I am glad I did.
How many people do you hear of that cry out of to Jesus in desperation? I know that I am one of them. I thought that's what you did. I never heard of anything else. I thought when you needed something, or when you are hurt you cry out in desperation to God for help.
This is what the devotion says.

Be of Good Cheer.
" And I exhort you to be of good cheer." Acts 27:22
What do you do when you're in a perilous situation? If your like I used to be, you cry out to God in desperation.
One afternoon when I was squalling out to God about something, he interrupted me and said, did you know that I don't hear the cry of my children when they cry out in desperation? WHAT!!!!????
The Lord said, No I hear the desperation cry of a sinner because that is all they can cry out. But once you are born again, you ought to be crying out in FAITH. I hear the FAITH CRY.

What is the faith cry?
It is calling things that be not as though they where. Romans 4:17

This really gave me a wake up call. Because I know that I don't cry out in faith. But now I know I need to start! Its amazing how God is always giving you answers or help.  You just have to be sensitive enough to the spirit to hear it.
I need to hear that yesterday. And I hope that from now on out I have a FAITH CRY!

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