Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Life Changing

Once again My God has amazed me!  I love it when he just throws me for a loop!
Tonight I got baptized for the first time! yes the first time! I will be 24 next month!
I have been wanting to get baptized for a long time now, but I always came up with an excuse! I wanted so and so to baptize me, I want it to be a private setting, blah blah blah..Tonights excuse was I didnt have any clothes to change into. Well as soon as I said that it came to me that I did have clothes in the car. LOL
Its amazing how God works.
Last week I received an email asking me if i was still interested in being baptized. and I thought oo i better hold on to this email, then i just never went back to it. Then I have been praying for a week now for a totally cleansing of my body, i true forgiveness. Then tonight i get to church, and I was made aware that we were going over to main service for the water baptism service and i was oh cool, then i made a joke that i was supposed to be baptized tonight. Well we get over there, as soon as i walk in the building i felt a tug on my heart. as the service started everyone was getting baptized and i felt like wow i missed my chance, well as soon as i said that he offered for anyone else to come.. well my mom kept tugging at to go and i kept saying no i dont have clothes, no i have to sing, then my little nephew got baptized and i was like wow, well then more and more ppl kept going up there and i felt the tug get stronger and stronger and i couldn't bare it anymore.. i got up and literally ran. I was shaking the whole time, but i knew it was something that needed to be done and so it was finished and i felt new! It was amazing All of my past was gone! I felt complete. and Then I was like well i guess i wont sing.. haley had ran to the car to get my clothes and then they waited for me before they started singing! :) I got to sing wet head and all, but it was amazing! The worship was different! I was on FIRE! and his spirit fell in that place! Pastor Scott spoke and it was so good! He spoke about not being ashamed of God and stand up for him, Be who we are called to be! and we literally had prolly 15 ppl laid out in the spirit! I was awesome! I love it when GOd shows up and Shows out!!! My God Is awesome!!! Im so excited to see what God is going to do next! :)

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