Thursday, April 21, 2011

I wish I may, I wish I might

For the past month or so I have been cleaning beach houses on the weekends for extra money.
These houses are in 30A which its a ritzy part off 98.
It is so beautiful. I would love to live in one of these houses, or I would be satisfied just staying. lol
These houses rent for around $8,000 to ALOT just for one week. They are multi million dollar homes.
Anywho, I have some pictures I will upload off of my phone here in a few and tag them to this blog. I think the best part about these houses are the furniture and the color. I mean its just incredible. It makes me want to go to the thrift store and buy old furniture and paint them. lol I would love for my house to be beachy. :) One day I will have a house like this! Im speaking it into existence. :)
Cleaning these houses are alot of work, but it is worth it just to be in these houses. :) And to be so close to the beach.
The beach is like therapy in itself. The salty air and the sounds of the water. I could just live there and always be happy. :)
Ok so Im about to go upload some photos! :) Im sure the more I clean I will be posting more and more pictures! Enjoy! :)

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