Friday, March 4, 2011

Virginia Beach

Today is my second day here in Virginia. I have had a great time so far. Nathan and his family have been more than kind to invite me into there home and allow me to stay with them. So far the devoted Conference has been amazing. I just wish I could go to all of them. :( At least I can watch the ones I miss online.
Tonight they had Marylin Skinner speaking and she is the one who created the Wotota Children's Choir and Her and her husband live in Uganda Africa which is amazing. Africa has my heart and i would love to do something very similar to what her and her husband has done.

I know that when my husband and I start to travel and minister to the world that will be the first place we start a church. Unless God has other plans lol

I know that God has brought me here for a reason. I am not sure what that reason is yet but i know that with patients and faith in God i will find out soon. :)

Patients is something that i have struggled with for many years but here lately i have kinda sat back and let God do all the work..... and its actually been hard to let someone do all the work... but hey that's how i got to Virginia.

So that in itself is a testimony :)

I know that God has me on this journey for a reason.. and as i pace back and forth i am jumping with excitement because no matter what i know that its going to be awesome.  With God nothing is impossible.  :)

God knows my name and I am not forgotten!


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