Thursday, March 17, 2011

The God I Serve

Yesterday I had a lot on my mind. The one thing that bothering me was about Brittany and Shep... How and Why this has happened to them, we dont know yet. I am sure one day God will reveal what it is. I can only imagine how great it will be.
I open yesterdays paper only to find Brittany and Sheps eulogy that Brooke wrote. It was around the same thing that she read at the funeral. Which I am glad they put it in the paper because i didnt go to the funeral. It was so kindly written and described her to the T and i could tell in reading some areas that Brooke had a very hard struggle with writing this. It was life changing and a very special thing. It has totally changed my life in many ways.
The last thing she wrote was " are you a good Shepard? " " Who are the sheep you watch over? "
and then i starting thinking.  You know I believe Brittany filled her purpose her on earth. She may have only been 24 but she knew and did what she was supposed to do.
And also each day now she has been updating Brittany's facebook page. Thats what Brittany did each day, uplifted ppl through her facebook. and Brooke has defiantly continued to do so. Brittany has given her signs everyday since her passing.. It will down right make you cry, and if you dont believe we have an awesome God go read some of the signs.. It has helped me in so many ways each day to read these postings. and I know that it has helped her family as well. My God never ceases to amaze me. and i know i have several angels watching over me in heaven. all of this has made me think a lot about myself. What would be said about me. Have I fulfilled my destiny? No. Can i work harder at it? YES.
This all has made me want to share and spread Gods word more than before. to Stand up and be strong for what i believe.
The church just go to just got out of a revival and it was really a conference on witnessing, and I didnt go to a single service. Truthfully because I didnt want to. I  was selfish and thought. ahh who needs to witness, no one cares about that stuff. and then yesterday it all hit me and well kinda slapped me in the face. How are we supposed to get ppl in the kingdom of heaven? By speaking, talking, sharing, Witnessing... I was kinda mad at myself for being that way. Yes it is hard and nerve racking to go up to a complete stranger, but ppl have done stranger things then going and telling them, "HEY JESUS LOVES YOU"
It actually seems very easy to do. What could it hurt. People are going through things everyday that we have NO CLUE about. Some things will shock the crap out of you! and I thought my sin was bad. :( Think again. Think about the homeless what they go through each day. If i was Oprah I would just go interview homeless ppl all day. They have amazing stories.
The point of my subject line.  " The GOd I Serve"
It all started last night when Pastor Hunter was talking about his friend Steve he met while witnessing.  The guy kept saying how could God love a guy like me.. why would God take my son away from me. Why would he allow all  these horrible things to happen.
Well.. Thats not the God I serve Hunter replied. and its so true.. God doesn't allow these things to happen, Like Brittany and Shep, or your family members when they pass, or your house burning down, or Japan... none of that is of God. Thats not the God I serve. These are all things of the world. My god is bigger and greater than all of these things. My God is not the God of suffering. It says it in the Bible several times. And when i heard all this it just totally opened my eyes.. Wow ppl really do blame alot of things on God.
you have to believe beyond all of that. You cant let things and the way ppl talk interfere with the way you view your God.
I will write more later! :)

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