Monday, March 28, 2011

God Is Good!

It has been awhile since i have posted anything. I have been extremely busy. Everything is going good though. I can't complain about anything. I will update more on that later. For right now I just want to share something that I wrote to Brooke, Brittany's sister. She has been updating Brittany's page ever since Brittany past, because Brittany and Shep have been giving signs, so she shares them with everyone. Well it had been a couple of days a Brittany hadn't really given them a sign, and I kept praying Brittany this is what everyone is getting there strength from.. please give them a sign. And i kept praying and then on Wednesday morning I got an email from Wave Women and it was titled My Sister's Keeper. I just kinda closed it out of my phone and just didn't pay it any mind because i was at work. Well when i got off work. I was reading the email.. and I just broke down. It was so Brittany. Everything in that email describe Brittany, and not only that but it was "my sisters keeper" just for Brooke. So I thought well I better send this to her.. Well then i had all these thoughts like well.. you will make them upset or this isn't right its stupid... I knew all of that was coming from the devil.. Well on Thursday I got a phone call from my friend Anthony and he was in town and he wanted to try and get a bunch of the TNT youth group up and have dinner. TNT was the youth group Tim Shepard started, Brittany's dad. And so I said sure.... Well we are all at Applebees and he says to me, we are going to see Bro Tim and Mrs. Kim after we eat.. and I have been trying to see them speak to them whatever, but just didn't know how or what to say, so i said yes. So the time rolls around to go see them and they were just all sitting there listening to Christian radio and of course they were all excited to see us, but you could see it in there eyes that they were struggling not to cry.We all began to talk about all the good stories, and funny ones.. about Brittany and about camp. and then Brooke said we are still waiting on another sign.. its been a couple of days.. and i began to weep and it was like word vomit, and began to talk about the email i had gotten. and Brooke and Mrs Kim just started crying.. and said Anna, Brittany has gone through you to give us this sign, please email me this letter. So I did, and  this is what it said! 
I hope this message will send you joy,peace,and comfort. And I pray it will help you and your family thought this tragic time in your lives.
I just want to say thank you for allowing me and Ant, and Tiffany to come see you all last night. I have been wanting to for a week now, but had no idea how to get up with you guys or if it would be too hard on y'all. So i would just drive by and as i was going by slowly I would just pray, I would pray in the spirit, almost at a complete stop. My heart breaks for all of you. Your family has always been the perfect family. Y'all never showed if anything was wrong, y'all always had a smile on your face, and was always willing to help no matter what the situation was. Brooke last night you all truly amazed me at how well y'all are doing. But I can tell you are all getting your strength from God. I can see it in your eyes that you all have such a sensitive spirit now. My heart was truly touched last night. It was definitely a God thing that I was able to come over last night.
Brooke I want to share that email with you that I got.. I went through and looked up all the scriptures and they are truly amazing. I pray that maybe they will have answers for you. But most importantly I hope it bring you peace.
The title is called "My Sister's Keeper"
We are all called to our sister's keeper, to consider her, to be looking out for her. ( Brooke you and Brittany looked out for each other everyday... She is still looking out for you!) (You two always considered each other, in everything you did.) (And you will always be your sisters keeper, and she will be yours).
It is amazing how much larger our world becomes when we take our eyes off ourselves and onto others. (Brittany always put herself last, she always put others first.) I can see you Brooke doing the same now.
1. Be an encourager. It is so important to remember and encourage those in our world. 2 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV)
11: Finally, brothers and sisters rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. and the God of love and peace will be with you. ( Brittany was always an encourager!)
Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure it enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.
2. Choose to rise above the circumstances. Take the high road when the situations happen. We can soar with the eagles or hang with the turkeys. Romans 12:14-16 (MSG)
Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse. rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn, live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. ( Brittany and Brooke you both always rose above the circumstances, you always prayed for the right path to be on.) (Brittany never let anyone get to her in a negative way. she always held her head up high.) ( You two lived in Harmony together.)
3. Live in Peace. Let's not just be a peace keeper, but a peace maker. Psalm 34.14 ( NIV)
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
( Brittany was a peace maker, and Brooke now you have to be the one to keep the peace. Pursue it!)
1Corinthians 14:33 (NLT)
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all meetings of Gods Holy people. ( God will Keep Peace in your homes.)
4. Live with Integrity Psalms 78:72 (NIV)
He Cared for them with a True Heart and Led them with Skillful Hands. ( This makes me smile, because this is Brittany 100%, She cared for all of you with a TRUE HEART, and She Led you all with Skillful hands.) She also wanted everyone to live there life with a purpose! She tried to help everyone figure out what there purpose was on this earth. Brooke I know you and your family has helped me throughout my years of growing up helping me figure out what my purpose was.I know that you all can continue to that for all as well!
5. Walk in Kindness.God has been kind to us and we need to extend that kindness to others. Job 6:14 (NIV)
Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the almighty. ( Brittany never withheld kindness from ANYONE!)
Proverbs 31:26
When she speaks, Her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. ( Once again I smile, When Brittany spoke the room was silent, Her words were wise, they were uplifting, meaningful. When she gave instruction it was always with kindness. Brittany was gifted with the ability to speak! That is how she changed so many lives. Brooke she isn't done changing lives. Her stories will continue to change lives. I know I will share her life with anyone I come in contact with. Brittany is someone I talk about daily now! My life has been Changed completely. Brooke you and your family are precious. I love you and your family very much! Please let me know if I can do anything. My cell is 334-405-9431
My God be your strength!

Brooke replied back a couple of days later and expressed how much this meant to the family. and how it was so Brittany.

I am just thankful that i was sensitive enough to this sweet spirit.. and was able to help this sweet family! Friday when I got home after sending Brooke that letter I was walking in the front door, and looked down and saw little yellow flowers all in my flower bed.. and i just smiled and said hey to Brittany and Shep! I know they are with us all everyday, giving and showing us a little bit of heaven. We miss you Brittany and Shep and we will see you soon!


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