Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lost Loved Ones

I don't even know where to begin. My eyes are swollen from all the tears I have cried, my voice is gone from the loud screaming cries of my heart that I cried. I never thought that I would ever have to say this... I lost a dear friend of mine last night. Brittany Shepard Pugh, Brittany Shepard and I grew up together while attending Faith Christian. Her parents Kim and Tim were my youth pastors, The greatest youth pastors I have ever had. They were not just a church family to me, But they were my family. From sleep overs to just a fun day hanging out. I don't have one sour memory of anyone in that wonderful family. Brittany was not only my friend but a role model to me. Her beauty shined where ever she walked. Her smile could be seen for miles, and the love she had to offer was speechless. Brittany is now walking with her Savior The one she was not afraid to tell anyone about! Jesus Christ. I know we don't understand why God allows these things to happen but it says in the bible that good things will come out of the bad. and I know God has a reason for what has happened, we cannot look to him with anger but with trust and faith in him. I know that her family and all of her friends are in mourning of this great tragedy . I am leaning on Jesus to give me strength. My prayers and thoughts are with this family. And her husbands family. Baby Shep, sweet baby Shep... :'( Just a precious child of God.I am at a loss for words for baby Shep. God has a special place for him. I pray they are in Heaven rejoicing. and looking down on there family sending down comfort. I know that as humans we have to go through this time, all of us will have to sooner or later. I pray right now that everyone will just lean on the lord and be their for these families. Brittany I love you girl and you will be greatly missed. You will never be forgotten.. and we will all still look up to you! Until that day i see you again. I love you Brittany Shepard!!!!

This will be a long a hard week for me! My uncle Rick passed away Saturday morning. So now I will have to attend 3 funerals. Nothing can be more depressing than that. In such a hard place in my life.. it is so easy to question the lord and the reasons why he does these things. But I know I cannot blame the Lord for this.  I have seen the Lord do too many good things in my life and others lives... it is in the place in my life that i lean on him with everything that i have inside me. No matter how weak or upset i am... I am and I will always lean on Jesus

Please Pray for the Shepards and the Pugh family and also my family!

To all My friends and family I love you all very much! you never know when your going to take your last step. Be prepared.


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