Tuesday, March 15, 2011


What would you say to someone.. who invites themselves over.. or just makes plans without your say so?
Its absolutely annoying..

So anyways.. I finally got some sleep last night, thanks so some Tylenol pm.. I dont like taking meds to help sleep, but honestly i had to do something.. no sleep in 3 days. yeah you can imagine what kind of mood i have been in, and being sick on top of that. ( not good)

I got alot of studying done today. I will be glad to get this massage business over with.
Still no decision has been made on moving to Virginia or not. I am still praying hard about it.

This weekend will be very busy for me. Friday night i have the GIRLS NIGHT OUT with my mom. I pray it will be so much fun.
Saturday I will be helping Marcie clean beach houses.. and then Sunday of course is church! :)

I found my favorite song on Verizon's ring tones today.. Totally made my day~
and then I was watching Hill Song TV and they played an awesome song called Yahweh and i love it too...
Tonight was Glee and it was soo good. even though they had a lot of cussing in there songs tonight.. it made my night when they sang Jesus is a friend of mine.. HAHA this brings back so many memories.. I know that it sounds bad to make fun of someone singing about Jesus but ... it was awesome! LOL

Now I am just laying in bed.. I am about to go write an email..... ;) and go to bed!


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