Saturday, March 12, 2011

Catching up

I have realized that it has been a couple of days since i have written anything.
I have been pretty sick since i have gotten back from Virginia.. Nathan says its because i am not there anymore.. which could be a good possibility.. (: i did have  a great time there. and I miss Wave church.. I donut know why i am being so pig headed about going to there... i guess when it comes down to it. i am scared to death to leave Ozark... even though it would prolly be the best thing that could happen to me.. God has opened the doors and given the signs.. and here i am just talking about it.. What would you do???
I guess the first thing i need to do it get my massage therapy stuff out of the then i wont have anything holding me back.. i can easily rent my house out.. I'm sure someone would love to live in the beautiful home of mine. :)
Virginia is a huge place.. but sometimes you just have to jump.. God will catch me.
Wave is an amazing church full of ppl my age that love the lord.
Wave leadership college is amazing.. its exactly what i need in order to travel the world ministering side by side with my husband... and not to mention a ton to learn in music... :)
or... i could stay in Ozark the rest of my life.. settle for less than i deserve. and just work behind a desk where half the ppl get my name wrong.. :(
anyways.. soooo yes the things on my to do list right now are.....
1. study for my boards
2. Make extra money by cleaning beach houses :)
3. Save as much money as i can
4. rent my house out
5. MOVE to Virginia!

yup i think that's a good list to start with!

So besides all that i guess its time to share my heart..
My heart is breaking, losing my friend Brittany and her baby Shep was  a very hard thing for me to go through but it also woke me up... it made me realize that life was way to short to just be messing around. its time to realize that God is coming back and we have to be ready not only do we need to be ready but we need to make sure our family and friends are ready..... Look at what happened to Japan on Friday... its crazy... God is throwing out signs right and left and we are just sitting here being lazy.. its time for the church to wake up..
not only all this, but from my uncle dying to Brittany and the baby then my friends mom.. it just seems like since January we have had so many deaths near us.. near me.... should i say.. its crazy.. its depressing.. good lord.. when will it stop.... ??? in a way its like God is taking up all the ones who are good fighters ppl who are ready to help him prepare is way... and then i think well Lord what about me??
now i am not saying i want to die heaven knows i don't want to.. here i am saying lord please don't come back yet... i want to get married and have babies... but am i prepared to have a family in this crazy world...????
All i know is that God knows my every path that i will take and God knows my every word and God knows whats going to happen before it ever happens... its scary right? but so true!
I'm holding my head up high the best i know how.. leaning on Jesus with all my might... loving my family more and more each day.. telling them i love them a little louder than before.. and speaking of God more and more each day.. He is our Savior.. and he is the one who allows us to live each day!
I am starting a new life..... I'm tired of the old life.. I'm tired of ppl walking all over me. taking advantage of me.. thinking that i am stupid... the new Anna is stepping up... :) that's right.. you can learn to like or hate it ... but either way I'm not changing..
I love my family and i love my friends.. i love my God. My Savior...the one who has created this beautiful place to live..

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