Friday, January 24, 2014


Never rent an apartment. Never rent out your house. 
So far our apartment deal has fallen through. We are stuck in the shit hole till December. 
My house was rented out to the best renter and she moved out. Ever since then I have had shit!
No one pays, you can do hardly anything because I'm so far away. 
I have a girl in my house now who signed and 6 month lease and it's lease to own. So she is held liable to buy the house by the end of her 6 months.but for some reason I feel like now since it's taken me threatening the sherrifs dept for her to pay me that it's not going to happen. Anyways I'm just beyond aggravated because I need the money. Badly!
I don't need stupid crack heads living in my house.
Why century 21 gave out my keys with out my permission and with out seeing any lease paper work. Just blows my mind!
I wish to god my mom didn't work there because if she didn't I would have already got a lawyer involved and had them shut down.
Anyways just maybe things will work out. 
Just maybe. 
All I can do is pray about it. 

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