Monday, May 9, 2011

Life is too precious


As I look at this picture it brings me to the realization that life is not as complicated as we make it out to be. Really Life is simple, we just choose to let the "small" things get to us.

I often wonder if my heart will ever heal from all the heart break, or when all my dreams and wishes will come true. I cant help but to fill my heart with jealousy and bitterness. As I wake up each day alone it just get worse. Wondering what happened or where I went wrong.
These "Small" things can grow into something so big that we have no clue what to do it anymore.
This is the point in which I am standing in my life. You may look at me and I may look fine. But no one can see the inside of your heart or your mind. No one but the Lord knows what is going on in your life. Truly.

This weekend I have realized that it is the season of change. It may not be for anyone else, but it is for me. I am tired of being unhappy. So starting today On this Monday May the 9th I will be changing quite a few things in my life. And I will be moving forward and stop looking behind me. Because you cant change the past but you can decide what happens in your future.

No more will I sit back and watch everyone be happy. I am going to step up and move on and start making myself happy.
I can do all things through Christ! Because he strengthens me!
I believe God will provide me with the things I need in my life!
I know that he hears my desperation cries. I know he knows my heart better than anyone.
My life is a special gift and I am going to start treating it that way. You only get one chance in this life, in this body. So Im going to stop being scared to step out. Isnt that what faith is for? I have asked him to direct my paths and he is doing so. Along with keeping his hand upon me.

This week is also my 24th birthday! This weekend will be the start of my new life of happiness.
I am going to ATL for the braves game and to the aquarium.
I will post pictures so you all can keep up with my new exciting life!

Oh and I have been studying. breaking it down it to groups this week. So I can study the main groups each week until my test. I will be so glad when I get all this behind me! :)

I hope everyone has a blessed day!


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