Monday, May 16, 2011

My Birthday

                                     MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND IN ATLANTA

Most of you know that my Birthday was on the 13th of May. So its is bound to happen my Birthday will fall on a Friday at some point. Well this birthday was on Friday the 13th. What Joy. lol I usually dont leave the house on Friday the 13th, because of past memories. But...I thought, Hey this is my Birthday I have to do something. So thats what I did. I went to ATL and I had a great time.

             This was my view from my hotel room.  We stayed at the Hilton downtown. It was very nice.

I didnt spend to much time in the room except just to sleep. But it was pretty nice. I dont think it was worth $100.00 Bucks though. Especially the bon fire smell the whole time.

So moving on to the game. We played the Philies. We lost by one point 4-5 :( I was very sad.
But I was very entertained because we had a whole row of drunk guys behind us and then across from us was philies fans. So yeah you can imagine. alot of booo's and cussing but lots of laughs. :)

                                   This was me after we got back to the hotel and I was so sad! lol

So the next day (Saturday) we went to the Georgia Aquarium.
I love the Aquarium but they had so many ppl there and it was like they wanted to take their dear time and not let anyone else look at the fish. I was starting to get ill. But I prayed for God to give me the patients to make it through. LOL
So the ATL trip ended.
But on the way home we stopped at my most favoritest place on the earth.
Shakespear Park in Montgomery :)
I love that park! I could spend my whole life there! I wish it was my yard! :)
I plan to get married there one day! I cant wait! :)
So that sums up my Trip to ATL and back!

On Sunday I went to church of course. We had a very good service. And afterwards me and my family and friends all went to my parents house for a grill out. :) I was so happy that my closest friends could be there with me. :) we sat around and talked and we sang and played the guitar! :)
After the grill out me and Jam and Haley and Mason went to go see madea! It was so good. I cried a few times. But It was still so funny. Im So thankful to be able to fellowship with great people! :)
Overall I had a wonderful birthday!!!

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