Tuesday, February 14, 2012


So today is Valentines Day! :)

So I was sitting here thinking of all the things I would love from the person I am going to spend the rest of my life with.

1. A card and flowers/ candy every valentines day.

2. To be told everyday that he loves me.
3. To be kissed everyday.
4. If when I get sick.. he will take care of me... play Disney movies for me all day.. :)
5. no matter the case he will make me laugh everyday.

I hope everyone has had a great day! :)

I know I didnt get anything but a kiss this morning... but I did get a trip to N.C this weekend to go snowboarding for the first time : )  :)

Very nervous but excited...
I am hoping that I will hear 3 words this weekend... :)
just a little wish I have :)


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