Monday, February 20, 2012

A little taste of my journal

My Heart breaks daily for the longing of my desires
My Soul screams for something more.
My mouth thirst for the purest of water and the finest of foods.
My heart longs to be with the one I love.

Dear Lord place me in the arms of my one true love.
Show me his face, let me feel his touch.
I clench my fist so tightly they almost bleed.
I scream so loudly but one hears me.
I shut my eyes so tight and still through all the tears I see your beautiful face.

My heart is slowly breaking each piece shattering as it falls from my chest.
Will my heart ever be mended.
Dear Lord you know my pleas and you know my hearts greatest desires.
Please hear me Lord. Please bless me with understanding and the patients and may your will be done in my life.

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