Saturday, February 25, 2012

just a little thing called "life"

One minute your happy... And those minutes are with you.
The other minute I'm worried to death that your leaving me... And those minutes are when I'm not with you.

Those sporadic conversations about what our first house is going to look like just bring hope and warmth to my heart.

Those times when don't speak at a make me wonder what's on your mind.

And then my favorite is when we both start talking at the same time and we are talking about the same thing!

No matter what I know deep down that were meant to be.


Monday, February 20, 2012

A little taste of my journal

My Heart breaks daily for the longing of my desires
My Soul screams for something more.
My mouth thirst for the purest of water and the finest of foods.
My heart longs to be with the one I love.

Dear Lord place me in the arms of my one true love.
Show me his face, let me feel his touch.
I clench my fist so tightly they almost bleed.
I scream so loudly but one hears me.
I shut my eyes so tight and still through all the tears I see your beautiful face.

My heart is slowly breaking each piece shattering as it falls from my chest.
Will my heart ever be mended.
Dear Lord you know my pleas and you know my hearts greatest desires.
Please hear me Lord. Please bless me with understanding and the patients and may your will be done in my life.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


So today is Valentines Day! :)

So I was sitting here thinking of all the things I would love from the person I am going to spend the rest of my life with.

1. A card and flowers/ candy every valentines day.

2. To be told everyday that he loves me.
3. To be kissed everyday.
4. If when I get sick.. he will take care of me... play Disney movies for me all day.. :)
5. no matter the case he will make me laugh everyday.

I hope everyone has had a great day! :)

I know I didnt get anything but a kiss this morning... but I did get a trip to N.C this weekend to go snowboarding for the first time : )  :)

Very nervous but excited...
I am hoping that I will hear 3 words this weekend... :)
just a little wish I have :)


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the little things

Have you ever heard
" its the little things in life that matter most"

      well I have found this to be true....

He may be having the worst day... and you may get real quite and think to yourself.. oh this is going to be a long night...
                      but then he looks over at you and takes a deep breath and says you look so pretty tonight.

Just when you think you dont know where you stand in your relationship... he says

" I dont want to sleep another night without you"

"I think we are serious enough for me to have a key"

"Guys this one is a keeper"

just when you think you are doing everything wrong.... he tells you to never stop what you are doing...

its the little things in life that mean the most.. like you both looking up at the stars at the same time.... you saying the same thing at the same time.... text the same thing at the same time...
embarrass the mess out of one another and just laugh... and laugh...:)
its the those little things in life that make me love you more and more everyday....