Friday, September 9, 2011

Keeping you up to date

Good Morning

I have not posted anything for September yet so I decided I would :)

Today was the first time I have turned the heater on in my car since last winter. Its only September this is crazy weather. Im still white. LOL I would like to have a tan, but it doesnt look like thats going to happen. I guess I'll have to go back to using tan towels again. ( walking around smelling like burnt skin) why? you didnt burn yourself!
anyways the weather is amazing today! Not one cloud in site. Perfect day for a pic nic.

Im hoping to have one of those this weekend while im in montgomery! :) Roger is taking me to Church of the Highlands and then I hope I hope we go to Shakespeare park! :)

He is taking me to dinner and a movie tonight~ Im so excited! I love date nights! Im trying to figure out what movie to see. Lion King or The Help.

I ran (my shins are killing me) down to the peanut field yesterday while I was at mommas and I love it down there. One day I hope to have enough money to buy it. I would love to have a log cabin there, with cows and horses. :)

My goals - order feathers and have a booth at the Claybank Jamboree this year!
Pass my test!
Start a second Job or get a better ONE! LOL :)

HOA stuff is getting a lot better~ I still have a few people that I cant seem to get any money out of. But Im not going to stress over it!
we have a meeting tomorrow, so im hoping it will go good!

Anyways I am about to get off work! :)
HOpefully it wont be so long next time!


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