Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Study Study Study

As it gets closer to my test the days seem to go by way to fast. I want the to go by slow, so I can study as much as possible.
Today is Wednesday, this is my last day to study, because Im not supposed to study the day before the test.
Just sitting here thinking about it makes me go into panic mode.

On Sunday it seemed like I got hit so hard with everything. Church was awesome. It was one of those "Heaven on Earth" services. The part that was hardest, was when I saw Mrs. Kim with Pastor Anessa. This was her first church service since the passing of Brittany and Shep. I couldnt help but to weap the whole service. When service was over I went straight to her and hugged and loved on her for a while. Her heart seems so tender, and so brittle. But she had the strength to get up and come to church. Thats a big step, she is doing good. alot better than expected.

Sunday afternoon I had a bridal shower to go to and I felt so awkward the whole time. So I ended up leaving and I went to subway for supper and got home and I was sick the whole night :( I still pressed through and studied as much as I could.

These week I think I have study more than ever, kinda hard to say. But I have put in 3 to 4 hours each day. I just hope and pray it pays off.

I made up my mind on Sunday and I prayed to God that no matter what happens Friday with this test, that I am done! Pass or Fail. I will not take this test again.

I kept reminding myself of the scripture, for I know the plans I have for you! His plans may not be mine.

Im tired of stressing out of what im going to do with my future, or this test!

Roger has been a big help with helping me study! He actually doesnt make fun of me when I get something wrong, and he helps explain it to me. He truly is the best I have ever had! :) God sure made this one just for me! :)

So now speaking of studying, im ending this blog so I can go study on my lunch break!


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