Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Inside my bubble

So I just though I would catch you guys up on a few things.

Yesterday marked 3 months since Brittany and Baby Shep's accident. Its amazing how time goes by so quickly. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about them or their family. Brooke posted today on fb for the first time in a month. I can still hear the pain through her message. My thoughts and prayers go out to them daily. I know we will all get to see them again. I cant wait to see Brittany's Beautiful smile. and Shep's lil laugh. :)
I know they are constantly sending down love and comfort. And I pray they continue to do so. especially for the family.
Love you Britt and Shep!

My test is next Friday.....
Lets just say my heart drops in my stomach every time I say that. I feel that I could be more prepared, but I just don't have the time or the energy. I feel like I know a lot, So I'm just going to go in there with a positive attitude and Jesus on my side! I Pray I pass!

Roger and I are Wonderful! I couldn't be happier! He is such a wonderful man of God! :)
I don't think I have ever been this happy in my life.. its like everything is falling into place.
I was reading my journal the other night and all of my entries were sad love poems or love songs. One was a love prayer, and well I must say my prayer was answered! It pays off to obey God and to be patient! :)
I cant wait to see what the future holds for us! So much has already happened, I'm not sure if he realizes it or not, but I know that God has already started for mold us and shape us! :)

I am back down to one job. lol
No more cleaning up after cats!!! thank god!
I haven't cleaned at the beach, because i have been studying so much for my test!

My best friend and I are so great! Caila is the best. We realized yesterday how close we really are. WE do everything alike! are boyfriends are even similar! LOL
anyways I love her!
moving on! I finally got my house clean and my flower beds redone! front and back!:) Roger bought me a water hose like i wanted! LOL he is the best! :)
I actually talked to my neighbor last night for a long time, we actually have a lot in common! he seems like a pretty cool guy! :) glad to know I have a great neighbor! :)

Anyways I better get back to work! :)

Oh P.S Im going to see Lady Antebellum Saturday!!! :)


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