Tuesday, March 6, 2012


There are moments in life that you wish you could go back to, just to remember that feeling you had.
Or to remember what you were thinking...
That moment just happened to me as I read the last letter Jeff wrote me after we broke up.
Those words in that letter are words that I have been praying to hear for a long time. It's almost as if I was not mature enough or open minded enough at the time to understand what was going on exactly.
I have realized a lot tonight. My heart has grown week these last couple of weeks and I haven't been getting any reassurance or anything to uplift my heart and my thoughts. I'm afraid I'm wearing down to the nub.
As I sat on my couch tonight crying I prayed that god would reveal what it is that I am supposed to see in my life. And in this relationship I'm currently in.
The bravery I had tonight resulted in what I needed to hear and read. I'm thankful I listened to my heart, and sadly I believe it's what I need to be doing more often.
I have a feeling that soon I will be typing another entry weather it be good or bad... I'm hoping it's going to be good. But I'm scared to say that deep down in my gut I feel it's going to be bad!
I can only pray for the best!

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