Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I forgot

I forgot I had a blog......

This just goes to show that I have been way too busy.

Well lets start off with the most exciting. I got a new JOB! YEAH! On the 6th of October I will leave Alignment Chiropractic ( bittersweet) but Oh so ready.
I will start working at............................... TWO GIRLS AND A SPA on the 18th of October! I have already been working at their Dothan location on Friday and Saturday! Its hard work, but I love it. I will be working at the Daleville Location :) YES I said it correctly.. DAleville LOL Fort Rucker traffic. :) DUH

My body has been killing me for a week though. :-( but.. it is just something I will get use to, like when I started massage school.

On the 8th of October I will be setting sail to the BAHAMAS!!!! for 7 days.. Yes I am so excited! This Vacation is so long over due! I'm not going to do anything but RELAX!
My test is coming up pretty quickly (sigh) but... I'm going to kick butt! I have this amazing spa to look forward too and that is helping me get more motivated!

I'm not sure what my schedule will be over their. But I am praying I will be able to get off in time for church on Wednesday so I can continue to sing. :)
Speaking of that...its quite crazy right now, we have a lot of new singers and instruments. Its is very easy to have some type of drama... I wonder if this is Gods way of pulling me out of Drama. I mean it has already caused a few arguments between me and Roger. But A lot of that has to do with me and what a control freak I am when it comes to music. I have to keep reminding myself that it is a YOUTH band and I'm not a YOUTH anymore. ( sigh)

Claybank is this Saturday and I have a booth! Yes me... :)
Rachelle and I are going to be selling a few things. I just pray we make some money!
I'm selling feathers...( I keep changing my mind on how much) Rachelle is selling Headbands and Door hangers.
I hope it goes well.  The word on the street is that everyone is selling feathers, but I'm not too worried about it, because I can sell them at the spa and at church soooo. :)

I got my hair chopped off! its above my shoulders! LOL but I love it!

Roger bought me the movie bridesmaids and the new glee season!!!! :) I love it! :)

Speaking of Roger.. we are doing good. we have had our moments this past month.. I'm thinking seriously about going to a couples conference in October..
Its hard to express our self, we both are not very confrontational people. so I think we tend to hold things in, and that's not a good thing.
also I think we need to re-light the fire. we sound like a married couple but we aren't. but even when you are dating someone, you have to pursue them on a daily bases. you cant just assume that because you have them that you will always have them just because of what happened on your first couple of dates. you have to work hard to make sure the fire stays lit.
anyways I'm babbling on and on... so anyways.

I am about to eat my breakfast (without the doctor finding out) because we cant have sugar in the office. ;-)

I will try not to stay away so long next time.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Keeping you up to date

Good Morning

I have not posted anything for September yet so I decided I would :)

Today was the first time I have turned the heater on in my car since last winter. Its only September this is crazy weather. Im still white. LOL I would like to have a tan, but it doesnt look like thats going to happen. I guess I'll have to go back to using tan towels again. ( walking around smelling like burnt skin) why? you didnt burn yourself!
anyways the weather is amazing today! Not one cloud in site. Perfect day for a pic nic.

Im hoping to have one of those this weekend while im in montgomery! :) Roger is taking me to Church of the Highlands and then I hope I hope we go to Shakespeare park! :)

He is taking me to dinner and a movie tonight~ Im so excited! I love date nights! Im trying to figure out what movie to see. Lion King or The Help.

I ran (my shins are killing me) down to the peanut field yesterday while I was at mommas and I love it down there. One day I hope to have enough money to buy it. I would love to have a log cabin there, with cows and horses. :)

My goals - order feathers and have a booth at the Claybank Jamboree this year!
Pass my test!
Start a second Job or get a better ONE! LOL :)

HOA stuff is getting a lot better~ I still have a few people that I cant seem to get any money out of. But Im not going to stress over it!
we have a meeting tomorrow, so im hoping it will go good!

Anyways I am about to get off work! :)
HOpefully it wont be so long next time!