Monday, July 2, 2012

From a distance

I titled this post from a distance because the relationship I'm in will soon be a long distance relationship.

First off let me start by saying I was not even looking for anyone to be with. Neither was he.
Love happens on Gods timing not ours.
I've always been told to stop searching that love will find out, especially when you least expect it. Well I can say I have witnessed this.
It's amazing how awesome it is to just fall in love with someone so unexpectedly.
I'm sure you've also heard that you fall in love with your best friend. Well I can honestly say that this man was my friend for many many years and recently within these last few months became best friends. There for each other when no one else was.
To this day I can't tell you when or how I fell for him, it just happened.
He takes my breath away, makes my heart beat so fast, gives me the biggest butterflies, brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes.
The last 3 months have honestly been the best months of my life.

As time gets closer to his deployment my heart begins to grow weary. When I'm away from him for more than an hour I feel like a part of me is missing. And soon to be 8 hours away from each other, barely seeing each other I just don't know how long I'll be able to stand not being with him.
I feel that if we make it through this , we can make it through anything.
I love him with everything that is in me. I will do whatever it takes.

My family loves him, which is very rare. And I love his family as if they were my very own.
Everything just seems so perfect, too perfect.
Only God could have planned something so amazing.
I know this journey I'm about to take will not be easy but it will be worth it.
I know that love is strong enough to conquer some of the toughest challenges. And I believe our love for each other is just as strong.
