Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Dream Come True

Is it possible.....?
Could it be......?

I think so (:

I can say that here lately I have had some pretty rough ups and downs....
Roger and I breaking up, me canceling my test. to  having some of the greatest people enter into my life.
I have my high school best friend back in my life. I have another best friend who is soon to be my roommate.. My job which i love, because of the people there... I know they are in my life for a reason.. to the amazing guy who has stolen my heart. I really couldnt be happier...
My downs still come out... like when am i gonna take this friggin test.... when is my money situation ever going to get better.. when is my ex going to stop texting and calling everyone that was on his cell phone bill this past month to try and figure out who i have been talking to... hello..... why do you want to know??
Anyways So just a random thought...
People always say he is in your past for a reason, dont go back to the past... ok well then people in the same breath say well if he comes back then you  know he is the one.... LOL hello that makes no since whats so ever!
so anyways... im addicted to pinterest... i have planned every Christmas gift and every house decor... lol i stay on it all the time! :) :)
Im getting a new kitty this weekend... not sure if its a boy or a girl.. but its pretty.and then in about 3 weeks ill have Rupert living with me... :) he is a BOXER!!!! WHOOO finally a dog.. and not only a dog but my protector and my exercise buddy! :)
Callie is taking her test in like 2 1/2 weeks so we have been studying non stop.. when i get paid again i am going to pay for my test and try to take it in January :)
anyways I am going to bed.. staying up till 2:30 and getting up at 5:30 is starting to kick my butt. but it was worth every second! :) 

Monday, December 5, 2011


Love is when your heart races and you cant breathe when you are looking into his eyes.
Love is when he grabs your hand and sizes it up with his.
Love is when you stare into each others eyes and you get lost in the moment and realize that God created this creature just for you.
Love is when your getting ready for your date and your butterflies get so bad you scream out loud.
Love is when you walk up to him and all you know to do is breathe and smile and thank God for this amazing person.
Love is when you think about that person every second of every minute and every minute of everyday.
Love is when you lay your head on his chest and realize your heart beat matches his and you breathe the exact same.
Love is when you say the same thing at the same exact time.
Love is when you cry everytime he isnt around to talk to him when you need it most.
Love is when you cry during the sweetest kiss you've ever had.
Love is when you see a shooting star and just smile because your wish has already come true.
Love is when you cant sleep because your thinking about him too much
Love is when you realize no one or nothing else matters as long as he is around
Love is when you dont want to miss a second of his life
Love is when you want to experince life with him.
LOVE is the most amazing thing that God has created. I could sit here and go on and on and on about love.
Love is a strong word and the most meaningful word ever invented.
Love love love love

:) ALM