Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One more day

Tomorrow will be my last day at the chiropractic clinic.
Yesterday proved to me that I needed to move on.
Drama is not my thing and I will not accept it or deal with it.
Bishop told us " you deserve what you tolerate"
If you tolerate bad things being said about you, then you deserve it.
So I do not deserve being betrayed or having stress in my life so I will not tolerate it any longer!
I will miss my dear friends here, but there comes a time in life that you have to move on and it is now my time.

I am leaving on Friday on my cruise! I will have tons of pictures to post when I get back! :-)

I cannot wait to be full time at 2 girls and a spa! I get my own room! So exciting!!!!

Studying has been on the bottom of my list this week and I'm starting to panic, I gotta get back on it! It will be here before I know it!

Anyways I saw a quote today that I loved! I wish people were like money so I could hold them up to the light to see if they were fake or not!
